Orangen Labels - Hort Alba Garcés
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Oranges Labels

Logo Hort Alba Garcés
Naranjas Hort Alba Garcés

The world of oranges joined the world of graphics in the 1920s, in response to the need to seek new markets abroad. Orange exports and increasing competition from other countries in international markets led orange companies and exporters to use a quality mark to differentiate their products. Farmers no longer take their products straight to market or sold them on their own roadside stalls. The process has become more complex and the market has Brown considerably.

Labels are stamped on fruit boxes to identify them during long voyages. The fruit is carefully packed in wafer-thin paper, which also often bear specific designs.

Oranges are presented to consumers as if they were attractive confectionery products, hoping to awaken the customer’s senses. All Graphics design is a kind of advertising, serving the sole purpose of selling the product and stimulating the mind. The most effective advertising campaign is the one with the strongest idea, expressed in the simplest, most concise and clearest possible way, needing no other elements to convey its message, which should be understood immediately.

The quality of labels varies considerably, as does the chosen subject matter. The idea was simply to spread the idea of a quality mark or seal — a good colour and an even better taste — on European markets.

Here is a selection of labels and stickers, most of which were designed by artists from Valencia, in alphabetical order.